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"Change your mindset using the latest evidence-based research to stay healthy and fit for life."

Dr. Aria

f.i.t. for Life

Most people would like to change or improve aspects of their health. You might think that you need to worry less, improve your diet or exercise more. After all, these simple instructions form the basis of most health guidelines. Then why is there a gap between where you are and where you'd like to be?


Knowing the theory is different to being able to put it into practice. We may have the best intentions in the world, but our actions are shaped by invisible forces:


  • Beliefs, values and expectations

  • Physical feelings and emotions

  • Social and subconscious influences

Woman in sports kit
Bright lightbulb idea
the f.i.t. method

Dr. Aria's Focused Insight Training (F.I.T.) Method is an innovative approach to wellbeing that starts with your mind.


You can achieve a healthier mind, body and way of living that you feel happy with, rather than feeling stressed about conforming to society's expectations. The key is to understand how your thoughts, emotions and environment affect everything that you do, including what you eat and how much you exercise.


You can develop your mindset’s ability to be present in the moment, so that you can consciously choose to act in line with your values and goals, rather than automatically react to your emotions, thoughts and surroundings.

three pillars of f.i.t.ness

The F.I.T. Method takes a three-pronged approach to your health and wellbeing:


​Learn the key skills to identify and break through:


  • Limiting beliefs

  • Self-sabotaging thoughts

  • Emotional triggers


Unlock the full potential of your mind to attain vibrant health and achieve your valued goals in life. 


Optimise the level of movement in your day:


  • Feel energised to exercise

  • Understand how motivation works

  • Speed up your metabolism


Apply the science of habit to 

create lasting change and build the healthy lifestyle that you want.


Transform the way you see and behave around food forever:


  • Love the food you eat

  • Naturally stop overeating

  • Conquer food cravings


Free yourself from fixations with food, anxiety about eating and feeling like you're depriving yourself.








With this life-changing system, you can transform your mind and your body.

This method is about empowering you to live your life to the full.

"Every single decision
     you make, including when to eat, what to                 eat, how much to eat and what activity 
        to do at each moment

is made by your mind."

Dr. Aria

applying this evidence-based method, you will feel:


"Dr. Aria is a talented clinician and researcher. He is passionate about helping people... and his practice is guided by the latest research in the field." 


Nancy Pistrang, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University College London
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